The best place to learn about regional coffees!
Includes Certified Jamaica Blue Mountain and Hawaiian Kona
. These coffees are usually very expensive, but if you don’t drink coffee everyday and want a treat when you do, these exotic coffees are fabulous.
100% pure exotic coffees are sometimes marked by 100 in their title. Many retailers sometime offer the less expensive blends and should be clearly titled as Blend. So if you only expect the best, read the packaging carefully.
Hawaiian Kona is the only coffee you will find that is considered a notable North American coffee. Thank goodness for the islands to at least put us on the coffee map!
Consider these resources for coffee from this region:
Hawaiian Kona
Jamaica Blue Mountain
Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Blend
Interesting note about these coffees:
Kona coffee is graded on the bean size, uniformity and quality. The Hawaiian Kona coffee grades are labeled “extra fancy,” “fancy,” “#1” and “prime”. As with all of our coffees, we only offer the very best a coffee producing country or region offers — in the case of Hawaii, the Kona Extra Fancy. We have checked several sites that show Kona Coffee or Kona Style or Kona Blend but that should not be compared to our 100% Extra Fancy.
There has always been concern for the proper labeling of and selling of Kona Coffees, the same that can also be said for the Jamaica Blue Mountain coffees. Recently, the Jamaican Estate Mavis Bank, won a judgment against a Florida roaster who was misleading in their use of the Jamaican Blue Mountain name. You can expect to see more of this in the future as these two elite coffee growing countries look to protect their product and brand.
Enjoy the best!